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Truck & Tractor Pull
Latest Past Events
Field Day of the Past 2020
Field Day of the Past 1741 Ashland Rd, RockvillePulling all classes Saturday and Sunday. Registration at 8:30 and pulling at 10:00 both days. We are teaming up with the calleo sled for this event as well!! Antique tractor pull both days as well as truck/tractor pulls Friday and Saturday night.
Spring Thing 2020
Field Day of the Past 1741 Ashland Rd, RockvillePULLING ALL CLASSES on the main track Come out for a day of fun, food and kid activities. Sunday will be the rain date
Field Day of the Past – Truck & Tractor Pull
Field Day of the Past 1741 Ashland Rd, RockvilleField Day of the Past Truck & Tractor Pull by Dragon Motorsports. This is one of the biggest truck and tractor pull events for folks in and around Richmond VA. Friday Night: 6200 Outlaw 12,000 Altered Farm 8050 RWB Street Diesel 8000 Pro Stock Diesel Street Semi Trucks Saturday Night: 11,000 Hot Farm 6200 National…