Latest Past Events

Field Day of the Past 2020

Field Day of the Past 1741 Ashland Rd, Rockville

Pulling all classes Saturday and Sunday. Registration at 8:30 and pulling at 10:00 both days. We are teaming up with the calleo sled for this event as well!! Antique tractor pull both days as well as truck/tractor pulls Friday and Saturday night.

Spring Thing 2020

Field Day of the Past 1741 Ashland Rd, Rockville

PULLING ALL CLASSES on the main track Come out for a day of fun, food and kid activities. Sunday will be the rain date

REBELLION car,truck and bike show

Pocahontas State Park 10301 State Park Rd, Chesterfield

8th annual Rebellion car,truck and bike show presented by David’s Customs and Lucky Gypsy Tattoo May 9,2020 9am-5pm Show registration $25.00/day of show Spectators $10.00/car load ***state park entry fee*** Top 75 awards ELITE 8 Best of Show awards Best Club Kids Choice Ladies Choice Promoters Choice Club Choice Awards 100% of the Raffle ticket…