Richmond Food Truck Hub
I have been following Kaveh’s food truck business since it started with a single truck that he ran himself. It’s been exciting to watch hard work and perseverance turn into a success story right here in Richmond.

Yesterday was the grand opening of the Richmond Food Truck Hub. If you follow Kaveh on facebook you already know this has been in the making for much of the last 6 months. It features a full-service commissary kitchen, dedicated parking for food trucks with full water & electric service available as well as a full-service shop where food trucks are both repaired and built.
The grand opening of the Richmond food truck hub was fun. There were two food trucks battling it out for the business of attendees, a live DJ and of course Kaveh was all over demonstrating features of several trucks & trailers he had on display. I tried an empanada for the first time and also had a Taco Arabe from the other truck. The food was excellent! I was only able to be there for the earlier part of the event but crowds were rolling in and lines were forming at the trucks before the event had officially started.
About now you are asking yourself, this looks cool but WHY do we need a food truck hub? Aren’t food trucks already full-service kitchens? Yes, and No. From what I understand most food trucks are required to be backed up by a full-service kitchen, and NO the one at home does not suffice. This is why most of the trucks you see are partnered with a brick & mortar restaurant or other business. The Richmond Food Truck hub supplies all of the services needed to meet that requirement without the restaurant. This allows the trucks to be branded as they see fit and stand on their own. bahis siteleri
Having a commissionary kitchen is more than a simple legal requirement. It’s a time-saving workspace that allows time-consuming prep work to be done in a fraction of the time it would take in the small kitchens on the truck themselves. It also provides valuable storage space for dry goods as well as frozen items or ingredients that require refrigeration.

If you are considering getting into the food truck business give Kaveh with KSM Manufacturing a call he will be happy to discuss options with you. tel:804-929-3692 you can also find him online at